Sunday, October 9, 2016

Miss, Sir

She stood near a soldier at the train station, and while they were waiting for the train, they talked. For one the station wasn't particularly busy, and there weren't too many people, and the train they were boarding in particular had a stop to her street, and a stop to his barracks. So they talked.
"Windy day, isn't it, madam?" he grasped the hem of his cap.
"Yes, sir, that it is." she held onto the edge of her sun hat.
"I like windy days. They're usually quiet and the bullets miss your cheek."
"Maybe. I like them too. It looks nice when leaves fall down the road. You like autumn, don't you sir?"
"That I do, madam, miss."
"Sir, mister, monsieur." she bowed.
"Ma'am, mademoiselle, miss." he bowed.
"Nice meeting you, man."
"Likewise, woman."
"Tsk tsk, that's miss to you."
"And that's sir to you, I serve your country."
"And I, sir, grow your food."
"Farmer's daughter, are you?"
"Well," he said as the train approached, "Thank you for keeping us alive, miss."
"And thank you too for keeping us alive, sir."
They both boarded and left the station, while orange and red autumn leaves rustled in the wind, lonely at the platform.

1 comment:

  1. Oh my, this was such an intriguing read! Despite the fact that it's shorter than the others, it brings forward the story's atmosphere so perfectly! I have to say I really like the hints you throw about these two characters living two completely different lives, one enduring a country farmer's life growing the vital food the population so needs, and the other, a trained soldier who is another hero to serve the country... despite their contrasts, they share a couple of things in common too, and one example I particularly liked was their admiration for windy days, "bullets miss your cheeks" and "leaves fall down the road". Their etiquette is so classy! :') It's ironic how the soldier first introduces the idea of the farmer keeping them alive, because usually you'd thank the soldier for protecting the country; it reinforces that idea of appreciating both. xD Also, the way in which you ended the story with the descriptions of the quiet autumnal life wraps it up really well while bringing back the overall mood of this setting! <3 *cries* all your writings have an amazing charm i just- ;-;
